

About Us

We strive to improve the active roles of Indonesian companies to contribute to global issues, such as environmental and social sustainability, as well as good health and well-being, through technological and business innovation.


Our Vision

Building sustainable environment and improving citizens health quality and well-being through innovation and technology

Our Mission

  • To deliver integrated technological solutions and help Indonesian companies to contribute to the achievement of global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • To provide world class quality technological consulting to improve global competitiveness of Indonesian health care industry through innovations
  • To develop user and ecosystem-centric IT solutions ensuring the outreach of innovations throughout Indonesia

The Only Constant in Life is Change.

Meet Our Team

Akbar Dharmaputra, B.Sc.


Experienced business management professional with successful track records on managing projects and communication channels with top verticals clientele in Germany, Austria and other EU countries.
Syahri Ramadhan


Experienced IT Professional specialized in system design and development automation. Has successful track records on handling IT projects for multiple clients in APAC, EMEA and EU region.
dr. Arief Wibowo, SpJP

Medical and Health Science Advisor

Experienced medical practitioner in clinical cardiology and researcher in molecular cardiology with focus on stem cell biology and clinical application of stem cell derived exosomes in Angiogenesis and Cardiomyogenesis.
Muhammad Islahuddin

Data Analytics Advisor

Experienced analyst and researcher in mathematical modelling and simulation in various scientific fields. Has proven track records on tackling data-related projects at global consumer goods and retails, and several renown pharmaceutical industries in Indonesia and Europe.